Every week we will be sharing new plays by our Heal the Divide playwrights. This week’s play is The Short End of the Stick, by Mikki Russ, a playwright from Prescott, AZ.
“I elected to write this piece because it afforded me a chance to use a colorful discussion that happened in Prescott, AZ to cast a wider net across a simple question of humanity. I tried to use a kaleidoscope and transition from the very near to the broader effects of our encounters with one another. Sometimes the colors up close do not come in to focus until we take a step back. One of the things I quite enjoyed was the fact that the monkey story is supposedly true of a village in Senegal. I spent a few weeks driving around marveling at how our different experiences in our respective villages can pretty much be distilled into common streams that we all have to drink from.”
You can read more about the Heal the Divide initiative HERE.
You can read more about all of our Heal the Divide playwrights HERE.