Protest Plays Project is launching a new #GetOutTheVote initiative and invites playwrights to draft short (1-10 minute) plays/monologues/musicals on the theme HINDSIGHT IS 2020. We would like interested writers to consider the following:
This is a forward-looking project = Speculative fiction!
Imagine the world AFTER the 2020 election and what it might look like without a change in leadership. We are looking for thoughtful pieces that demonstrate consideration into the myriad different ways four more years of current GOP leadership might manifest.

We invite interested playwrights to consider the following:
- Voter turnout is vital to a thriving democracy, and yet only 54.7% of eligible voters participated in the 2016 election.
- There are several pressing issues at stake in the 2020 election—which issues should we be most concerned with? What do our lives look like post-2020 election, if these issues continue to go unchecked/unaided?
- What do reticent voters need to hear in order feel motivated to vote – especially if their ideal candidate isn’t the nominee?
- What regrets will people have if they abstain from voting in the 2020 election? How might abstaining effect their day-to-day lives/kid’s lives/etc.?
- Humor is an excellent delivery mechanism – don’t be afraid to make us laugh!
- We love a good expletive, but for this project are hoping to have broad audience appeal – if you are an F-bomb expert, please provide alternative options for public spaces J
Selected plays will be featured on a special Protest Plays Project podcast Our goal is to also make these plays available to theatremakers across the nation in the hopes that they will put them to work as motivational theatre aimed at rallying voters!
Questions? You can email us at ProtestPlays@LittleBlackDressINK.org