Protest Plays Project and Little Black Dress INK invite college/university students to write short plays or monologues (1-10 minutes in length) inspired by the communities in which they live. Plays might explore issues pertaining specifically to each playwright’s city, or a national/global issue seen through each playwright’s community/city lens (as it pertains to/manifests in their city). The key is to get local—we want to see what is happening where you live!
Selected plays will be read on a special ONSTAGE: ON-AIR podcast in Fall 2020, and made available to colleges wishing to participate in a creative story exchange by presenting readings on their campus. Past participating campuses include Iowa State University, University of Texas at Arlington, Columbus State University, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Wake Forest University.
- To increase opportunities for constructive dialogue around/about issues facing us today through theatrical conversation.
- To offer students the opportunity to give voice to issues facing them/their communities.
- To create a forum in which those ideas are not only shared with the community being written about, but with audiences living in other geographies/communities as well.
- To foster connectivity and increased empathy between communities
- To engage in inter-collegiate conversation with one another about the processes and outcomes of the Heal the Divide on Campus project in order to support further growth/ development of this and other initiatives like it.
Plays will be accepted through May 10, 2020. Faculty and guest artists will read plays over the summer, with selected playwrights notified by Aug 10, 2020.
Additional Information
*While Protest Plays Project also engages in political theatre, our HEAL THE DIVIDE project is non-partisan. Your play does not have to be political in nature to qualify for this project—it just needs to live in the city/community you call home. Selected plays will offer a diverse array of perspectives from a wide range of communities—not only geographically but socio-politically as well. All voices are welcome, and encouraged!*
Here are a few plays that do this well:
The Heal the Divide project was inspired by
Howl Round’s Here and Now Series, for which I wrote three plays about AZ (where I was living at the time). Check out
FOLLOWING THE RULES (which both take place in Prescott, AZ) as some additional examples of writing for/about the community in which you live.
Playwrights can upload their work HERE
Do you have additional questions?
Email Tiffany at ProtestPlays@LittleBlackDressINK.org
View/download our
Heal the Divide on Campus Resource and Idea Guide HERE
Are you a student playwright with questions about formatting?
Download the Dramatists Guild formatting guide for help.
